React Boilerplate Redux Saga Hoc

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1. Getting Started
2. Basic Concepts
2.1 Storing Data# storing data automatically by calling api# sending query parameters to the api# Callbacks for handling success or failure# Manually storing data by calling custom task# Getting Data from store2.2 Updating Data2.3 Handling Infinite Data2.4 Deleting Data2.5 Adding Filters2.6 Using Subkey
3. Handlers
4. Advanced Concepts
5. Examples6. Advanced Examples7. ParamsApi ReferenceComplete DocumentationPrevious DocumentationReadme

Storing Data

# storing data automatically by calling api

-Data will be stored automatically in the reducer and also it handles all the states..such as error,infinte,loader..etc
const BASE_URL = "";
url: `${BASE_URL}user/`,
method: "GET",
responseStatusCode: [900],
responseStatusCodeKey: "code",
responseDataKey: "data",
responseMessageKey: "status",
errorMessageKey: "error",

# sending query parameters to the api

-No need to worry about appending query.
-Its more simpler just pass the object in the query parameter that will append query in the url.
-And also passing params is simpler.

-If you need to pass params in the url.
-Then you have to change the url to function to receive params.just like give below.
const BASE_URL = "";
url: ({ id }) => `${BASE_URL}user/${id}`,
method: "GET",
responseStatusCode: [900],
responseStatusCodeKey: "code",
responseDataKey: "data",
responseMessageKey: "status",
errorMessageKey: "error",
request: {
params: { id: 1 },
query: { skip: 10, age: [20, 20] },
payload: { age: 20 }, // for post calls
paramsSerializer: { arrayFormat: "bracket" }, //default: none - refer query-string npm package

# Callbacks for handling success or failure

-Callback are another helper function which handles errors, success, cancel..etc
const BASE_URL = "";
url: `${BASE_URL}user/${id}`,
method: "GET",
responseStatusCode: [900],
responseStatusCodeKey: "code",
responseDataKey: "data",
responseMessageKey: "status",
errorMessageKey: "error",
const responseErrorParser = (data) =>
(Array.isArray(data) &&
data.reduce((acc, curr) => {
const [key, message] = Object.entries(curr)[0];
const payloadKey = key.split(",")[1];
return {
[payloadKey]: message,
}, {})) ||
request: {
params: { id: 1 },
query: { skip: 10, age: [20, 20] },
paramsSerializer: { arrayFormat: "bracket" }, //default: none - refer query-string npm package
axiosConfig: {
responseType: "application/json",
callback: {
successCallback: ({ res, data, message, status }) => {
// handle toast or call any other api
errorCallback: ({
errorData: responseErrorParser,
}) => {
// handle toast or call any other api
finalCallback: () => {
// this will get triggers for both api success or failure

# Things to Remember

1. Every actions has four keys they are tasks or task,request,callback,filter
2. tasks - for handling multiple tasks (you will find later in this documentation)
3. task - for handling single task (you will find later in this documentation)
4. request - for api request.It supports 5 keys they are query,params,payload,axiosConfig, paramsSerializer.
5. filter - for handling different kind of data in same api (you will find later in this documentation)
6. callback - use for handling success or failure
7. Either you can use task or tasks,cannot use both at the same time.
8. If you use both tasks will be taken as priority.

# Manually storing data by calling custom task

- Don't worry about terms Manually,Automatically, its just the common word we used in the real world.
- The way how it stores or handles data i specified as manually, automatically thats it.You will get used to it.

- Automatically -> It will handle api calls and stores data and also handles all the errors, success, loaders...etc

- Manually -> It will slight different instead of api calls we are manually storing or updating data.
- This util function will help you update data in particular reducer.
- Also useful for doing various tasks without calling api
import { HOC, commonConstants, store } from "react-boilerplate-redux-saga-hoc";
const { ON_SUCCESS } = commonConstants;
task: {
name: "Data-Handler",
response: {
data: {
commet: "This handler will help you to store data",
name: "Example",
age: 20,

# Things to Remember

- Handlers are most important util for manupulating data and also for managing data in the reducer
- There are almost 7 build in handlers are available (You will find later in this documentation)
- Also if you want can create a own custom handler for executing your task

# Getting Data from store

- We are almost done with basic setup, api calls, storing data...etc.
- Now the main things we have to retrieve the data from the reducer.
- Don't Worry that is very much simpler than other task.

import { useMemo } from "react";
import { useQuery } from "react-boilerplate-redux-saga-hoc";
const {
Auth_hoc: {
reducerConstants: { DEMO_API_CONFIGURATION },
} = props;
const { loader, data, lastUpdated, isInfinite, infiniteEnd } = useQuery(

Next - Updating Data